Lovely Mehndi

Lovely Mehndi
I love the simplicity of this design

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My journey to reconnect

This journey began as I was discussing wedding plans with my Mom. The first thing she asked me was, "are you having a mehndi?" Since I was born in Canada, of Anglo-Indian descent, and I don't really have any connection with my Indian heritage, this was a legitimate question. I replied, "Sure it sounds like it will be a lot of fun!" My goodness, I had no idea what I was getting into! I have been doing research to learn more about my roots, culture and our traditions. I have been doing this mostly online because I have felt very awkward about asking questions of Indian neighbours since I don't speak the language and I am committed to my Christian faith. I was under the (false) impression that India was divided into Hindu, Muslim and Seikh.

I hope that by sharing my journey I can help someone else connect with their roots and that those who read this will find the information as educational, surprising and sometimes amusing as I did.

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